For several years, Eagle Iron Works dealers and customers have asked for a Dewatering Screen to be added to the company’s product offering, and the company is excited to finally deliver that solution. Eagle Iron Works’ new Dewatering Screen specifically accepts material from a Fine Material Screw or a Bucket Wheel. Material typically discharges from a Fine Material Washer with a moisture content of around 20%. Adding on an Eagle Dewatering Screen to create an Eagle+ System can lower the moisture content to 7-10%. This minimizes the time and space it can take to dry sand.
The Eagle Dewatering Screen has been designed to fit under any brand of screw washer and still achieve the same, drier results. Featuring high-quality wear liners and heavy-duty urethane screen media, the Eagle Dewatering Screen is built to handle high F-forces and incorporates a motor brake. A divider deck is an optional feature that allows you to separate your product. Additionally, Eagle offers the ability to return fines back to a screw in a controlled measure to reduce your overall water footprint. Pound for pound, Eagle Iron Works’ equipment is built heavier to last longer. They are backed by an extensive dealer network that provides service and support to aggregate customers.
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EIW, LLC has been providing aggregate beneficiation equipment of exceptional quality for over 145 years. EIW begins by engineering equipment for the defined needs of each customer. We provide support from point of sale throughout the life of the machine, including readily available replacement parts.
In November 2012, McLanahan Corporation purchased the assets of Eagle Iron Works under EIW, LLC. Under this new name, the company has continued its long history of excellent product durability and quality for which they are known, while incorporating McLanahan’s values, which have sustained them as a family-owned company since 1835. McLanahan is proud to have added Eagle Iron Works to its family of companies.