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Deister super-duty inclined screen delivers greater reliability & cost savings

In asphalt batch plants, the Deister UHS inclined screen is typically mounted atop the hot bins. This super-duty machine is designed to withstand high temperature feeds while isolating the vibrating motion from the structure via a patented steel and rubber spring suspension system. A stationary dust enclosure contains free dust.

A key benefit to the screen is its higher production due to increased screening area. The unit is equipped with a full-length sand screen that provides maximum screening area on all decks.

Cost-saving technology
For operating cost savings, the Deister System Saver is added to the batch plant screen. Without exposing oil to the open environment, the System Saver filters out harmful contaminants in the lubricating oil, allowing reuse of the oil. Importantly, it extends the life of the antifriction bearings in the lubrication system, while reducing costly bearing replacement, system downtime, and oil disposal costs.

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