Hard Hat Finally Enters the 21st Century with Help from Sports

SOURCE: The Dirt | June 18, 2024

The typical hard hat worn by construction workers hasn’t had a design change in over 100 years, and it only protects the top of of the head – if it stays on.

In contrast, sports head gear has undergone major innovations to provide better insulation and protect wearers from falls and being struck. The Dirt shows that the same technology from the sports world is now available for construction workers.

Ryan Barnes, founder and CEO of Studson Inc., borrowed from snow skiing and bicycling to develop a safety helmet that not only protects the top of the head, but the front, sides and back. It also has a chin strap to keep it on in case the wearer falls.

Barnes notes that 25% of deaths in construction are caused by traumatic brain injury, and that falls from 6 feet or higher can cause a hard hat to fall off before impact. And even if the hard hat stays on, it only protects the crown.

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